We are pleased to inform you that we are currently in the process of reviewing and updating the contracts for each burial plot. This is to determine the fees associated with the ongoing care and maintenance of these plots. To get an accurate assessment of the cost for your plot, we kindly request that you contact the parish office prior to the approaching All Saints' and All Souls' Days, so that every resting place can have a contract extending for up to fifty (50) years.

The deadline for payment and contract renewal is until 30 November 2023. After this date, starting from 1 December 2023, all individuals with outstanding balances and those who continue to make payments for the land will have their contracts extended for only twenty-five (25) years.

Failure to respond to this call means you will be ceding your burial plot back to the church. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter, as it ensures the continued upkeep of the cemetery and the peaceful resting place of your loved ones.

Thank you for your attention and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the parish office.