The Catholic Church, as an esteemed institution, upholds the tradition of conducting Eucharistic celebrations on a daily basis, viewing it as the central and most fundamental service within its faith. This profound ritual assumes a pivotal role in all church activities and events, serving as the focal point of Catholic religious practices.

In Catholic theology, the Mass or Eucharist is revered as "the source and summit of the Christian life," and it serves as the cornerstone to which all other sacraments are oriented. Masses are convened with multifaceted purposes: they are a means to proclaim and internalize the teachings of God, a vehicle for seeking forgiveness for sins, a commemoration of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, most notably during the Holy Week observances, and an opportunity to partake in the communion with Christ.

The scheduling of Masses typically adheres to specific times during the week, with a primary focus on Sundays and the special Holy Celebrations designated within the Catholic Church calendar. These Masses are conducted in the Filipino language, making them accessible and relatable to the local congregation. In addition to the celebration of the Holy Mass, the church organizes novenas, recitations of the Rosary, holy hours, and vigils, all dedicated to honoring particular saints and fortifying the faith of the congregation.

To inform the faithful of the Mass schedule during these significant holy celebrations, announcements are made in the weeks leading up to the events, both within the church during regular Masses and through the church's official website. This ensures that the congregation is well-prepared and can actively participate in these spiritually enriching occasions.


WEEKDAYS AND SATURDAYS - 5:00 AM (Holy Hour; only on first Fridays*), 6:00 AM*, 6:00 PM (Evening mass on weekdays; anticipated on Saturdays*)

SUNDAYS - 6:00 AM*, 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM, 6:15 PM* (English mass)

*indicates masses live online.